News - Rotarycork

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President Conor with new members Alli Ortiz, Consuela Albert and Peter Roberts
'Kids Out' Day - we brought 150 kids from Cope (and minders) to Fota for a fabulous day out
Club Golf Outing Fundraiser at Cork Goldf Club
Rotary in the Cork St Patricks Day parade

Our newest member, Saoirse McCabe receiving her Rotary pin from DG Sean Fitzgerald and proposer Tom Woodward, and with Club President Conor MacAree
We had a very interesting tour of the Rising Sons brewery and a tasting afterwards.
Thansk to our hosts Benny and Saoirse McCabe
We were delighted to have a visit from Distict Governor Sean Fitzgerald, seen here with President Conor MacAree
Rotary Club of Cork, c/o Gresham Metropole Hotel, MacCurtain Street, Cork
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